Jacob  Young: Forever Young

Guitarist Jacob Young mixes electric, acoustic and classical guitar with a subtly bopping team of Trygve Seim/ts-ss, Marcin Wasilewski/p, Slawomir Kurkiewicz/b and Michal Miskiewicz/dr through a collection of originals.  The intriguing part of this disc is how easily Young can mix sounds that range from indie rock to low key bop with even a hint of Pat Metheny and make it all sound cohesive. On electric guitar, Young delves into a lilting modern folk rock sound on “Bounce” that mixes piano and rhythm quite well, while the low key “We Were Dancing” features a thoughtful bass pattern. Funky guitar chords on the boppish “1970” and the gentle drive of “Time Changes” and “My Brother” have a Metheny-esque glow that is infectious as well.

On the acoustic side, some lovely classical guitar mixes with Seim’s low key tenor on “Therese’s Gate” and some Middle Eastern moods mix with jazz on “Sofia’s Dance” creating some delightful  sounds. Prancing rhythms dance underneath Youngs acoustic strumming on the spaciously stated “Beauty” making this a well rounded session in depth and width.

ECM Records


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