Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band: Landmarks

I’m convinced that there are two Brian Blades that are drummers. One is this outside, intricate and adventurous sideman for the formidably free form Wayne Shorter Quartet, and then there’s the Dr. Jekyll who leads these quiet, sensitive and lyrically traditional bands that do either gospel or folk material. Both are creative artists, but have you ever seen the two together?

Blade leads a creative team of Melvin Butler/ts-ss, Jon Cowherd/p-key, Chris Thomas/b, Myron Walden/as-bcl, Jeff Parker/g and  Marvin Sewell/g through a mix of ruminating short vignettes such as “Down River,” “Shenandoah” and “State Lines” and long, lingering and undulating long tracks. Of the latter, a thirteen minute “Farewell Bluebird” features fragrant horns whispering a melody that slowly builds up into a collection of solos, ranging from the gently gliding piano of Cowherd, to the adventurous electric strings of Sewell finally leading to Butler’s breathy tenor. Other languishing pieces such as “Ark.LA.Tex” and the title track have methodical beats laid out by the leader followed by folksy melodies that make you feel like you’re in another era, back when people would visit rather than text message. The simple pieces feel like open stretches of road, with harmonies by the horns reminiscent of a vocal group at the local church. Evocative and almost nostalgic, in a good way, without being maudlin.

Blue Note Records

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