Tenor saxist/composer Matthew Silberman leads a quartet with guitar (Ryan Ferreira/Greg Ruggiero), bass (Christopher Tordini) and drums (Tommy Crane). His sound leans toward the thick and edgy, sometimes going on the outer fringe as on “ Gohost of the Prairie” and other times a bit on the lighter R&B side as on “Mrs. Heimoff” and the reflective “Breathe.” The songs themselves seem to rely on the the heavy hitting of Crane, as he gives a bad day at black rock on the jarring “Ghost.” Whle ther are some ruminating thoughts here and there, as on the melancholy “Dream Machine” that has some intriguing interplay with sax and guitar, other moments, such as “The Pharoah’s Tomb” come off with a distorted imitation of a 70s Gentle Giant album.