Quartango: El Fuego

The original team of Quartango lasted 25 solid years together before the recent and sad demise of founding member and pianist Richard Hunt last year. This disc is then their last foray together, and the team of Rene Gosselin/b, Stephane Allard/violin, and Denis Plante/bandeon deliver an embracing and passionate collection of originals and covers that are mixed and matched like steak sauces for Argentine beef.

Hunt’s own material like “Noche e el Rosedal” and ”Anciado en Madero” brims over with sensuality, while Piazzola pieces like his “Lunardo” are given much more bohemian flare than usual. Plante sighs on “La Cachila” while Gosselin glides on “Lunfardo.” The interplay of these artists is as intricate as the dancers of this style themselves, filled with drama and passion.

Justin Time Records


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