Hailey Niswanger: The Keeper

OK! I’ll admit it. I’m sexist! I have two daughters, a great wife, and a staff of 6 women, so I think I know a little about the fairer sex. When I see a jazz release with a woman on the cover, and she’s not a singer (there’s that sexism again!), I think…smooth jazz, and a poser at that. Mea culpa!


This cover of alto/soprano saxist Hailey Niswanger got me some hope, as although she’s quirky looking, there are no tight jeans or open blouses to make you wonder about the musical content. Pop in the disc, and BOOM! She starts off on the soprano on a Coltrane-esque “Scraps” with a hot team of Takeshi Ohbayashi/p, Max Moran/b and Mark Whitfield Jr/dr. She’s got some muscle in those masseters! She  can also take it sweet and gentle as on “Norman” as well as bouncy and sprite on “Straight Up.” Her takes of bop pieces like “Milestones” (with trumpeter Darren Barrett) and “Played  Twice” have some clever touches that freshen up and reheat these chestnuts. Best of all is  her gracious duo with Ohabayashi on “Night and Day,” where she sounds authoritative, comfortable and flowing like a spring cotton dress throughout. Look for this one!


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