Sarah Elgeti Quintet: Into The Open

I must really be a sexist; first glance at this disc by Sarah Elgeti

that had a picture of her face, and I’m thinking, “another vocalist.”

WRONG! She plays tenor, soprano and flute, writes all of the stuff

here, and leads a pretty flexible ensemble with Marianne

Markmann-Eriksen/sax, Christian Bluhme Hansen/g, Jens Andersen/b,

Thomas Praestegaard/dr and Ben Besiakov/key. Most of the tunes are

post-bop material that range from the bluesy “Out In The Fields” to the

funky “Downstairs.” Her tenor on “Bossa Among The Trees” is quite

impressive as it veers around Hansen’s guitar, while her flute on

“Ringe I Vand” and alto on “But I Wish I Could” are impressive in their

respective tones. A couple of the songs go a bit askance, as in “Home”

and the Monkish “Blustering Waves,” but the quintet always makes it

back on track. Mature material, and nice thoughtful music.

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