The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Struck Down

The venerable Fabulous Thunderbirds, consisting these days of Kim Wilson/voc-harp, Bob Welsh/p-key-g, Rudy Albin Petschauer/dr, Steven Kirsty/sax and Johnn Moeller/g bring in a van load of guests to keep things fresh on this latest album. Oh, they do fine on  their own as well, hitting the blues with fists on “The Hard Way” and rocking out on “Won’t Give U p. But things get adventurous with Terrance Simien bringing in his squeeze box for a Cajun fest on ”Don’t Make No Sese” and Billly Gibbons adds an axe for the Austin road kill of ‘Payback Time”. Elvin Bishop calls in the cattle for “Whatcha Do To Me” and Steve Strongman brings six strings of blues for “Struck Down By The B lues”. The real hoot is with Mick Fleetwood, Bonnie Raitt, Keb’ Mo’ and Taj Mahal going down the rural road for a finger picking back porch “Nothing In Rambling with some tasty vocals and sliding on the guitar to call back Elmore James from the dead. A fun one!

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