Chief Keegan: The Piles High Club

Comprised of Luke Dunford/key, Mark Dudley/g , Alan Elliott/b and Cian Hanley/dr, the band Chief Keegan may come from Ireland, but they sound like they imbibed the waters of the Mississippi instead of Guinness. The band has a funky Memphis feel, that is rich and swampy, as on “Crocs ‘n’ Jocks” and the blue eyed soul ballad “Waking Up To The  Light” featuring vocalist Richard Farrell.  Dunford boogies hard on the New Orleanish “Love Pudding”  while Melia brings out a disco feel while belting out on “Payload”. Hanley and Elliott supply a strong backbeat to the rocking “Shaloow Gander” and “Nippleback” and Dudley gets grungy on the soulful “Creamy”. Think of the Average White Band as coming from the wrong side of the tracks.

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