THE ENVIRONMENT AS MUSIC…Kamala Sankaram: Crescent

While there are a surfeit of topics mentioned in music, heat is not usually in the top five. Kamala Sankaram decides to focus on various effects on the climate change by melding together a wide range of instruments including her own voice and electronics mixed with some field recordings and teaming them with Brian Shankar Adler’s exotic percussion instruments, Drew Fleming’s voice and a string quartet in some sonic configurations.

The 8 movement Crescent features a juxtaposition of voices and effects, ranging from a lovely folklore feel on “A Brief History of Progress” to  machinations akin to a musical Rube Goldberg creation on “The Machine In The Garden” . You can almost feel the radiation of energy on “Heat Map: 2010-2022”, with fluttering effects waft on “The Memory Of Birds”. A lovely joining together of strings, electronics and voices blend for a moving and pulsating “5 Rassas”. Themes for a thermoscope.

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