Jon Christopher Nelson: The Persistence of Time and Memory

Electronic music composer Jon Christopher Nelson puts together an intriguing six movement composition that is inspired by Salvador Dali’s painting of the album’s title, along with various reflections on time and perception. The result is a collection of pieces such as  “And Time Unfolds Like a Flower” that features sound effects and percussion, plucked tones and scratches on “Tightly Wound” and tensile white noise akin to a jet taking flight on “Toward the Event  Horizon”. “Ripples in the Fabric of Space” gives the impression of outtakes reminiscent  of a Saturday Morning cartoon series, melding Carl Stallings with Morton Subotnick, while deep space nine echoes vibrate on “Bang, Crunch, Bounce”. You may want to grab a fly swatter to counter  the hovering insects encountered on “The Entropy of Memory”. Is Wile E. Coyote having a summit meeting with Brian Eno? Hello Dali!

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