ARE THE 80S REALLY BACK? Twink: Think Pink V, Chardeau:  Ombres Et Lumieres In Terra Cognita, Merv Spence: Phenomena Recovered

Haven’t I lived through these sounds before?

Vocalist Twink palys percussion and programs with Ed Sykes/b-keypperc, Isaac Lock/voc, MartinYoung/g-perc and Brian Parsley /voc on te originals. The songs range from lots of 80s keyboards and evensome sitar sounds on “Sun Is A Star” to Nintendo electroncs for “Rainbow Wariors”. Parsley reads a poem to percussion on “My Roe” and Twink taps into his inner Joe Jackson onsongs like the funkh “Love Is A Killer”, pulsed “Silver White  Horses” and pulsed “Neptune’s Tune”. Where’s George Michael?

JJ Chardeau plays piano with a collection of gues that include Jerry Goodman/vi, Danny Seraphine/dr, Pat Mastelooto/dr, and members of various rock groups like ELO (Eric Troyer), Suptertamp (John Helliwell), Doobie Brothers (John McFee) and Spirit (Mark Andes). The music ranges from a herky jerky 70s “Donibane Lohitzun”  to ethereal World Sounds on “Eire” . Some dramatic strings sway for “Iceland & Fire” with a mix of classical and classic rock for a prancing “Scandinavia” . A Poppish “Over The Channel” includes rich harmonies and there’s an R&B pulse to a peculiar “Swing Heil”. Songs that remain the same

Guitasist, bassist , singer  and composer Merv Spence sounds like the retun of the 70s hard rockers with a team of MartinTaylor/g, Jason Fillingham/key, Huwey Lucas/dr, Midi Man/dr, Cari Brazil/cymbals and others.  Some times, you’ll thing you’re taking in outtakes from Hall and Oats as on “No Retrea, No Surrender” while “Still The Night” and the catchy “Stop” sound like something akin to Machine Head. Spence has a strong tenor voice, and belts  it on the peppy “A Whole Lot Of Love”  and fist pumping “Shape  It Up”. Who do we think we are?

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