Lezlie Harrison: Let Them Talk

I love a vocalist that doesn’t overplay her hand, and Lezlie Harrison sings with the wisdom of a card shark who knows when to hold ‘em and fold ‘em. She’s teamed up with the simpatico cast of Ben Paterson/B3, Matt Chertkoff/g and Pete Zimmer/dr and uses the musicians like colors on a palate. Understated and tasty guitar work by Chertkoff is equally matched by Harrison on the richly restrained “Close Your Eyes” and she looks good in blue on “A Lover Is Forever”. She coos out a gospel feel on the backbeat of the bold title track, while gliding around Paterson’s Hammond hum during Steve Miller’s “Fly Like An Eagle”. A read of Paul McCartney’s “Yesterday” has a soft ember of soul flickering, and she’s conversant on “Love Won’t Let Me Wait”. Less is more.


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