The Diva Jazz Orchestra: 30

Celebrating 30 years of XX Chromosomed jazz, the Diva Jazz Orchestra celebrates at the Dizzy’s Club Jazz with a, dare I say, ballsy collection of swinging standards. The charts are charging like a caballo con juevos , with  vocalist Sue Giles in a sassy mood on “Every Day I Have The Blues” and bopping like Ella on a tribute that includes “How High The Moon”. Erica von Kleist’s alto shines on “Somthing’s Coming”, while the brass team of Jami Dauber/tp and Jen Krupa/tb slide around Ellington’s In A Mellow Tone”. The band bops with sharp angles on “Three Sisters and A Cousin” and the sections are a  hoot for “Inka Dinka Doo”. I wouldn’t want to have an arm wrestling match with any of these ladies. WHEW!

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