Geof Bradfield-Richard D. Johnson-John Tate-Samuel Jewell: Our Heroes

Well, we can tell who the hero is of Geof Bradfield, whop lays tenor sax, soprano sax and bass clarinet with a team of Richard D. Johnson/p-key, John Tate/b and Samuel Jewell/dr, and that hero is STAN GETZ! This album feels like Getz’s Captain Marvel album, with gorgeous ideas flowing around on “ Corea” a drop dead ballad of “Peaceful Giant” and a bluesy “ High & Low” featuring Bradifield on the brooding bass clarinet. Tate flows like wine on ‘Asparame” and Jewell snaps like fall leaves for the bopping “Caution”. Most clever is when Bradfield converses with himself on both soprano and tenor as on the hoot of “The Cruelest  Month”, but its his tenor that you’ll keep coming back to. Heroic sounds.

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