GUITAR TIMES..Vin Venezia: The Venetian

Playing electric, baritone, nylon, synth and acoustic guitars, Vin Venezia creates a multitude of sounds and frames with Harvie S/b, Richie Morales/dr, David Budway/p, and Danny Walsh-Bob Magnuson/ts. He shows an affinity for Miles Davis here, sounding upbeat on “Solar”, “Driving with Walsh on “Nardis” and delivering a relaxed duet with him on “Tune Up”. With S’s bowed bass, he gives a chamber feel to Pat Metheny’s “Tell Her You Saw Me”, and  is soft on the strings on a delicate “ How Insensitive” and feathery “Days of Wine and Roses”. His nylon strings are patient and restrained on a solo read of “Without  A Song”. Fun on the frets.

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