Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band: Kings Highway

Drummer and leader Brian Blade brings in guitarist Kurt Rosenwinkel to his Fellowship Band of Melvin Butler/ts-ss, Jon Cowherd/p-org, Christopher Thomas/b and Myron Walden/as-bcl to create a less folky and more pastoral sense to his band. The songs are divided between two  p longer pieces of 13-15 minutes, and concise 2-5 songs. Of the former, “Kings Highway” has a rich and dark ominous hue, with the jazziest feel on the album, with Rosenwinkel’s tone blending wondrously through the reeds; “Migration” has the leader snapping out a groove for Butler and Rosenwinkel with lots of stretching out on the journey. Soft and  haunting tones hover on  “Until We Meet Again” and the team struts through a backbeat on “Catalysts”. The closing “God  Be With You” includes a warm benediction with the liner notes conveying an eternal perspective on music and life. A balm in Gilead.

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