Flamenco Passion: A Tribute to Paco De Lucia

Exciting Andalusian sounds are brought to the fore by Poul Jacek Knudsen/g-claps, Mikkel Nordso/g, Bjarke Falgren/vi, Mathias Heise/harm, Nicolai Land/b, Anders Pederson/perc-caj and Juan Murube/jalco/clap on this m usical salute to guitar legend Paco De Lucia. The intoxicating claps , strings and beats meld with Falgren sweeping through “Candela” withlovely work by Knudsen, with flamenco sketches painted out by Heise’s chromatic harmonica on “Gambas AlAjillo”.There is some amazingly intricate work on “Sala El Sol” and some dark currents during “Camelia” with the percussive clip clops sounding like a table dance. Thrilling late night sounds with a full dance floor.


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