BELIZIAN RHYTHMS…Lebeha Drummers: Biama

The only English speaking country in Central America, Belize, puts its own unique stamp on music with this release from the open eared Neuma Records. Jabbar Lambey, Warren Martinez, Clayton Williams and Marcela Torres bring various percussion instruments together along with solo and group voices on a mix of traditional and original themes. There is an exciting gallop to pieces like “Yugadan” and the percolating “Sargatina Luba  Laruga” with a rich melding of times and dynamics. The melding of voices form wondrous harmonies as on the chanting and enchanting “Combination Dance”and “Garaifuna Huguya” with church like calls and responses on “Numadagunu”. The grooves are earthy, folky and upbeat, and the rich lead vocals by Williams and Martinez are as warm as anything from the horn of Stan Getz. As spicy as the local Melinda’s Hot Sauce.

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