Muejl: By Breakfast

Yes, there are titles on this album, and yes, there are five artists present in Joao Madeira/b, Uygur Vual/cel, Elisabetta Lanfredini/voc, Luiz Rocha/cl-bcl and Michel Stawicki/ts. After that, it’s all open field running, as voices and screeching reeds are heard on “O-Brio_Ga-Do”, moans and grunts and bass plucks are on “Ohai Forest Suie”, more groans on”Yasish0Yasish”, strumjing basics and scrambling percussion rumbles on “Wayake’s Legend” and squawking reeds flutter on “Kogiga Speech”. It’s hard to tell whether the screeching mouthpieces are coming from a clarinet, bass clarinet or tenor sax, and I play these instruments-a screech can be a screech, while tapes and effects grovel on”A-Hu A-Hu”. Was Jackson Pollock the music director?

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