Josh Lawrence: And That Too

Warm toned trumpeter Josh Lawrence creates a vintage Blue Note sounding quintet with Willie Morris/ts, Art Hirahara/p, Boris Kozlov/b and Jason Tiemann-Rudy Royston/dr. Lawrence pens most of the material, except for Wayne Shorter’s “Nefertiti” with a mute horned leader building up to a dramatic climax, and two pieces by Morris, the snappy and groove changing “Grit” as well as the bopper “Hole In The Wall”. Lawrence growls and plunges as he plods on the bluesy “Black Keys” and the team struts to Royston’s sticks on the crisp “Cantus Firmus”. The band likes to change moods and pulses at multiple times in each piece, just to keep you on your toes, as in the segue within a segue “Cosmological Constant”. Tried and true recipes.

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