Kate Hamann: Momentary Beauty

From the plains of Nebraska, Kate Hamann is a triple jazz threat, playing trumpet or flugelhorn and singing with an indie spirit for this album of her own compositions. She mixes and matches with Jason Arkins/as-ts, Diego Melgar/g, Angel Perez/p, Mie Ramos/b and Max Marsillo/d, and her horn glistens with warmth on tender treats like the Latin pulsed “Butterflies” or the meditative “Daydream” featuring Melgar’s guitar lines.

Her voice has a soft girl-next-door sound, mutually delicate with her horn on “Momentary Beauty” and sensitively waltzing with Perez on “Songs We Used To Sing”. Ramos creates a thoughtful presence on “Stepping Stones” and Arkins blends well with Hamann on a ebullient “Momentary Beauty”. Unassuming musing.


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