CONVERSING PIANOS…Cavanagh/Miley/Hollenbeck: Another Life, Duran Virelles: Front Street Duets

176 dancing ivories…

Dan Cavanagh and James Miley switch between piano and synthesizer, bringing in drummer John Hollenbeck for about half of the 9 pieces here on this collection of seemingly freely formed originals. The two pianists joust well on the fluid “All The Thigs In Their Right Place” and the rippling “Improvisations.” With Hollenbeck, the team rocks on the jazzy “Kapo’I”, are stately with some glockenspiel effects on “The Dawn Wall” and get post bopping on the upbeat “Wernerism”. There’s even a folksy lilt to “Stealing Amsterdam”, with the album almost feeling like a suite of conversations.

Pianists Hilario Duran and David Virelles play like dancing partners on this collection of mostly Latin originals. The two create bel canto moments of singing piano keys, urgent on the post bopping “Challenge”, conversant as they swing through “Danza Lucumi”. There’s an Old World elegance like a floor dance of partners on “Guajira for Two Pianos” and “La Malanga” whereas the two go bel canto on the operatic aria “Milonga Por Cuba”. The two stride well on “David’s Tumbao” and are richly bold with primary colors on “Body and Soul”. Latin soul.

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