Jason Marshall: New Beginnings

When it comes to baritone saxists, tone reigns supreme, and Jason Marshall is one of those cats with a big, robust and bodacious sound, filling the room a la Pepper Adams. He brings together pianist Marc Cary, bassist Gerald Cannon and drummer Willie Jones III for a collection of jazz standards that are perfect vehicles for Marshall’s heat.

Marshall and company digs in deep on “Recorda Me” and swings through the waltz of “Black Orpheus”. Jones shuffles off to Buffalo on the hip “Ms Garvey, Ms. Garvey!” and percolates with Cary o “Ill Never Stop Loving You”. Cary is ebullient on the graceful “I Could Write A Book” and Marshall takes the spotlight on a glorious read of “Peggy’s Blue Skylight”. Could he sound this good in concert? I’d love to check him out.


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