Joe Coughlin: Dedicated To  You

Street wise sounding vocalist Joe Coughlin gives a tribute to baritone master Johnny Hartman on this album that takes on the inspiration’s songbook, but with a more blue collar feel. The team of Ryan Oliver/ts, Bernie Senensky/p, Neil Swainson/b and Terry Clarke/dr are tasty and supportive, as Senensky gives a flowing intro to “They Say It’s Wonderful” and Oliver blows smoke rings on “Autumn serenade”. Goughlin is reminiscent of the Giacomo Gates school of vocal delivery, kind of talking to you as on “Green Dolphin Street”, the conversant “Lush Life”  or relaxing at the bar on “It Could Happen To You”, while sounding more avuncular than seductive on the title tune. Street corner serenades.

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