Darryl Harper: Chamber Made

Clarinetist Darryl Harper has a golden tone on the licorice stick, and he uses it creatively in three various setting on this intriguing palate of an album. For a pair of songs, “Kaleidoscope” and “The Important Thing…” he’s with his team of Matthew Parrish/b and Harry Reid/dr for some a mix of klezmer and luminous jazz creations. He then brings in a string quartet for three movements, with the Bartokian strings creating dark moods on “Shadows of N ight” while hovering around Harper’s penetrating solo on “Branches of Night”. There’s a longing solo that glows like a candle on “ Silence”  Last is a Glazunov-like clarinet choir, with the palpable reeds reflective, almost accordionlike  on “”Wound” and the deep reeds getting funky for “The Important Thing…”. Lusciuous grenadilla.


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