RENEE’ WALKS BACK…The Left Banke: Strangers On a Train

Back in the 1960s, everyone wanted to sound like the Beatles. With the delicate vocals of Steve Martin Caro, the New York-based Left Banke caught everyone’s attention with the chamber music hit “Walk Away Renee”, sounding like one of the British Invasion bands. This album, brings back Caro with original keyboardist Michael Brown and other artists for sessions ranging from 1978, 2001 and 2002.

On first listen, you’re going to think that you’ve uncovered some hidden cache of Paul McCartney recordings, as pieces like the pretty “Only My Opinion” or soft “You Say” come right out of Sir Paul’s dna. Likewise, the upbeat Mercy Beat of Liverpool is felt on “Strangers On A Trane” and “Heartbreaker”, with Eleanor Rigby-styled strings on “Lorraine” and “Until The End”. There’s some synthy rock on “Buddy Steve” and Chuck Berry riffs for “Hold On Tight” with rich harmonies in abundance. The Hudson river meets the Mercy.

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