SOLO EXCURSIONS: Jacqueline Kerrod: 17 Days in December, Josh Sinton: b.

Usually when you think of solo albums, the piano or guitar comes to mind. Not so fast-here are a couple intriguing outings by artists all alone.

Jacqueline Kerrod plays “Solo Improvisations for Acoustic and Electric Harp” on 17 pieces for songs recorded on  different days in December. Her electric harp creates synthy effects on “Glare”, and gets scratchy during “Strummed I” with some deep subtones created on “Chatterbox”. For the acoustic strings, the fingers flail on “Can-Can” and go into the netherworld for the dark “Rust On Bow” with pretty reflections on the dreamy “Trill To Begin”. 47 strings of introspection.

Baritone saxophonist Josh Sinton produces nine exercises ranging from 3-7 minutes, with pieces ranging from the fluffy “b.1.iv” to a fluttering “b.2.11”. He has an adroit sense of  using space, reflectively on “b.1.ii” and the sepia toned “b1.i”, while he fills up space with flutters for “b2.ii” and toys around with mouthpiece effects on the experimental “b.2.i”. Solo recitatives in the deep reeds.

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