This is the second album that clarinetist Anat Cohen has recorded with Brazilian 7-string guitarist Marcello Goncalves. And, just like Outra Coise from 2017, this one also gets my RINGER OF THE WEEK award, as it’s a gorgeous melding of Cohen’s warm liquid tone that is caressed by Goncalves romantic strings.
Most of the tunes selected are from The Great Brazilian Songbook, the exception being an intricate intertwining of the two on Stevie Wonder’s “Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer”. Milton Nascimento is well represented here, with Goncalves patiently spacious around Cohen’s melodicism on “Anima”, Cohen breathy as she softly floats on “Maria Maria” and the two upbeat and cheerful on “ Paula e Bebeto”. On bass clarinet, Cohen is fragrantly puffing on “Reconvexo” and elegantly fragrant for “Correnteza” while Goncalves goes into lower ranges and both lend their voices to the tender “Andar com Fe’”. Goncalves’ fingers delightfully dance under Cohen’s gliding on “O Que E Que A Baina Tem?” and the two hold hands for a circle dance on “El Eiablo Suelto”. When’s the tour?!?