Masabumi Kikuchi: Hanamichi-The Final Studio Recording

Japanese pianist Masabumi Kikuchi (1939-2015) had a career that ranged from classical to digital to jazz, playing with luminaries as Sonny Rollins, Lionel Hampton, Joe Henderson and Miles Davis. This album has him, for his final studio recording, in a solo mode, displaying a rich lyricism on intuitive readings of standards, as well as his own compositions.

Kikuchi’s fingers are introspective and spacious on a rich “Summertime” while a pair of readings of “Summertime” are delicate nocturnes of wide variety. There’s a rich personal touch to the open “Ramona” while his own “Improvisation” is a warm “Sonata” and “Little Abi” is soft and fluffy. I’ve never heard much material by this man, but this album makes me want to examine his catalogue and see what I missed.

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