Cassandra Wilson: Another Country

Vocalist Cassandra Wilson always seems close to putting out the album that she’s supposed to, but never does. Her earthy and husky voice is on and off with many of her releases; the more “jazzy” the backing, the less logical it sounds. Here, on an album produced by herself and guitarist Fabrizio Sotti, she hits it just right, going the folk route, and harnessing her chords in via “sotto voce,” keeping things subdued like a Brazilian songstress. Quite chords from guitars, percussion and accordion provide a genteel setting for Ms. Wilson, who sounds like she’s reveling in the cozy confines. “Red Guitar” and “Almost Twelve” come across as evocative folks songs, while the take of “O Sole Mio” is as plaintive as an evening in Piazza Navona. There are a couple delicate guitar instrumentals that keep the mood intimate, while the closing “Olomuroro” delivers folk mood that mixes the Rural South with South Africa. A winning disc with subtle seduction.

E One Records


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