THE BEST OF NEW BRAZILIANA…Diego Figueiredo: Compilation

If you’re a fan of Brazilian guitar, you need to learn of Diego Figueiredo. He’s still under the radar, but his catalogue of material is bubbling over with its impressiveness. He’s done some gorgeous duets with vocalist Cyrille Aimee’, clarinetist Ken Peplowski and harmonica meister Gabriel Grossi, as well as nifty small group sessions and solo recordings. This 16 song compilations is a great intro, showing him in an rich mix of milieu. There are a handful of cuts here having him on electric guitar in a trio setting with Eduardo Machado and Fernando Rast/d, with some rich interplay on the festive “Paschoa” and “Borboleta Azul”. On acoustic guitar with the same team, he is luscious and lyrical on  “Odeon” and nimble for “Tico-Tico No Fuba”. Solo work on acoustic is his strength here, with deft finger work on Chick Corea’s wondrous “Spain” and his own “Pequena Valsa” while his electric wrok takes on “Linda Flor”. A warm duet with Grossi is included here with “samba In New York” and a small group setting jams on “Zodozinho”. Traditional sounds of the future.

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