Jerry Cook Quartet +: Walk In The Park

Tenor saxist Jerry Cook blows like the second coming of Sonny Rollins on this wonderful Blue Note beauty of boppers, ballads and blues with a simpatico team of Chris Gestrin/p, John Lee/b, Jesse Cahaill/dr and guest Dave Sikula/g. The ten tunes feature Cook’s relaxed yet muscular tone on his warmly mooded title track, while growling on the dark rubato of his “Nature’s Lament”. He gives a bel canto intro to “Smile” before Lee delivers a nice boppy solo, and the team is cozy and coy on Charlie Haden’s “Hello My Lovely”. Gestrin is suave alongside Cahill’s brushes on a floating read of “Soul Eyes” and with Sikula, the team is hip to the grooved “Cook’s Blues”. A blue plate special of comfort food for the ears.

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