Vocalist Sara Serpa creates mystical moods with lyrics and wordless voice as she joins with the atmospheres of Zeena Parkins on harp and tuning forks, Mark Turner on breathy tenor sax and David Virelles on piano. A percentage of the tunes have Serpa in a pastoral folksy mood with strumming harp on the gentle “Lei do Indigenato, 1914” with her “oohing” on “Mercy and Caprice” and “La La”-ing for “Abstract Confidence”. Turner’s tenor is airy as he puffs along to the pretty piano and voicings on “Civilizing Influences” as well as the intimate “The Multi-racialism Myth” with everyone seeming to go through a practice of scales during “Propaganda”. Serpa multitracks on the anthem-like “Unity and Struggle” while talking along with Virelles’ lurking piano on “Queen Nzinga”. The overall mood is late night bohemia with beaded doors and hookas in the background, as we listen along with our warm mint tea.