Mara Rosenbloom: Flyways-Murmuration

Pianist Mara Rosenbloom joins forces with the delicate voice of Anais Maviel (also on surdo drum) and bassist Rashaan Carter for a collection of originals and a single standard. Most of the pieces are short and concise tone poems, ranging form a romantic “Improvised Prelude” to a baroque-themed “Little Chick” with an angular “Bird Migration” showing rich intricacies. The centerpiece, however, is a thirty six minute journey on “I Know What I Dreamed-Our Flyaway” that features the ethereal Maviel giving personal and delicate poetic lyrics in  patient and spacious settings, sometimes with Carter, other times along with the leader, and always in a reflective prism of subconscious musings. The result is an almost ambient mix of pastels to reach the backroads of your mind.

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