ARTSY…Soon: Youchz Now

The word “Youchz” is the Swiss phrase for yodeling, and there is a bit of that and more on this  multi-lingual, multi-cultural collection of 14 tunes by vocalist Sonja Morganegg, keyboardist/ect John Wolf Brennan and Tony Majdalani, who plays just about anything that goes bump in the night. Through the album, you get guttural tones like Tibetan monks on “Normu Jovnna,” Arabic mystique on “Al Zahara” and some Shtetl tones on “Klezma.” Yodelling takes place on the mystical Monument Valley sounds of “Der Mongolische Reiter”  and some spacey sitar tones are conjured up on “Pythagoras’ Science Frictions in Siracusa”. A journey, but not sure what the destination is.

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