WHO KNEW?!? Paul Williams: Still Alive

“Those who are bored by virtue and excited by vice obviously have not had enough of either one”
GK Chesterton

That simple but poignant quote summarizes the theme of this fascinating, humorous and insightful documentary by producer/fan Stephen Kessler. What started out as a fan’s Google Search for the reason of Paul Williams’ death turned into a detective tale to find out not only was the composer/actor/host still alive, but living a peaceful life touring around as an artist to such diverse places as Winnipeg and The Philippines. Kessler links up with the star and follows him around while he performs before adoring crowds and reflects back on his musical life.

Performances of Williams in vintage form on TV shows with Johnny Carson and Mike Douglas as well as some intriguing home movies show a life of Williams that reached the heights of popular culture like no one else. Stars ranging from Barbara Streisand to David Bowie to Kermit the Frog performed his material and what 70s wedding DIDN’T include “We’ve Only Just Begun”? Through this film Williams seems happier now than ever in his past; a particularly harrowing scene is when he watches an old TV show that he hosted and can’t tolerate the drug addled former self. He’s lived the top and the bottom, and is content to live, as the Bible states, a “quiet and simple life of peace.” There’s lots to say for the joy of this kind of life which we all take for granted.

Virgil Films DVD


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