Daniel Carter-Julian Priester-Adam Lane-Reggie Sylvester-David Haney: Live Constructions Volume Two

A collection of “spontaneous compositions” are recorded from a pair of  2018 recordings with Daniel Carter/ts-tp, Adam Lane/b, Reggie Sylvester/dr, David Haney/p and Julian Priester/tb (on 3 tracks). With Priester’s trombones opening, the team gets into some scratchy spaciousness on “Construction Number 9” while the team leads with Haney’s dots and dashes during “Construction Number 10” and lurkes on “Construction Number 11.” Carter uses a plunger mute on his trumpet for a  hip “Construction Number 12” while on tenor he is bluesy over the jungle pulse of “Construction Number 6.” Lane opens to the ominous “Construction Number 7” and Haney scrambles to Carter’s chirping for “Construction Number 8.” Where hard hats worn for this construction work?




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