Spencer Day: The Mystery Of You

It’s rare when you find a young male singer, particularly a white one, who’s not coming across as a poser when he enters the jazz field. I wouldn’t dare mention any names like Buble’ or anything, but is it really asking too much for a guy to sound like himself, and maybe JUST MAYBE write a song or two of his own? This guy, Spencer Day, just might be the answer to my prayers. He put out a hip disc a few years ago called Vagabond that caught my ear, and this one may even be better!

He’s got a strong and confident voice; none of this whiney groaning or pretty boy prissiness here. He’s got a very fashioned and flexible supporting cast that go shift from Paul Simon loneliness (“Never Mind”) to a mix of C&W with a hint of Southern Asia on a tribute to Roy Orbison, no less (“The Answer”). He exudes vulnerability and intimacy on the gentle ballad with a slick and subtle groove on “I Don’t Want to Know” with Gabi Moreno, and comes across as a 60s shark suit sophisticate on the James Bond meets the Mid East on the title track. Through it all, Day exudes charm, class and coolness in a way I thought was lost on this present generation of navel gazers. Give this chap an ear!

Concord Jazz Records


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