In Layman Terms: Strong Roots

A clever mix of soul, roots, jazz and sass are served up by Logan and Cole Layman, with the former on bass, the latter on guitar, and both playing the cigar box versions of their instruments and singing. Supported by the flexible team of Hamed Barbarji/tp-fh, Nick Davidson/dr and guest Djembe Hendrix/djembe, the team gets swampy and funky on material like “Strong Roots” and the fuzz toned “Make Me Yours” with Barbarji’s growling horn adding extra Depression era sepia tones to the picture. Some slinky bass lines cool and echoey guitar creates a deeply nourish read of “Fever” while the team gets funky and a wacka wooka’d “Way To Far.” Lots of attitude and sepia colors while Cole leans by the lampstand and tells her stories.

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