Scott Reeves Jazz Orchestra featuring Steve Wilson: Portraits and Places

Alto flugelhorn player and conductor Scott Reeves leads a sophisticated big band through an intelligent collection of originals. the 17 piece band includes all star Steve Wilson” who shines  his soprano with a voice and dialogue on the gliding strut of “Osaka June” while his alto is included in the three movement “L & T Suite” during the bopping “Wants To Dance” with Andy Watson adding a soft shoe on the drums. The crisp rhythm team of Watson with Jim Ridl/p and Todd Coolman/p delivers a punchy drive during “# ‘n 2” while they saunter with the brass on “ The Soulful Mr. Williams.” Rich brass impressions create a warm hue on “A Trombonist’s Tale” featuring Matt McDonald” and the band gets B movie hip during the snappy “Last Call” allowing for some stretching out. Well colored tones used on these portraits.

Origin Records


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