No, guitarist Tommy Emmanuel is not God. But, his last name literally means “God with us,” and his playing is a living proof of a benevolent Creator who bestows gifts to people to show that he exists. Tommy Emmanuel has not misused the talent from above; he works hard to perfect his patented picking, strumming and picking technique that has made him one of the living masters of 6 strings.
He’s got a finger picking style that can sound like a calliope dishing it out as on the swinging “One Mint Julep” and the next minute take you to the UK as he tones and phrases like a bagpipe on the pastoral “One day.” His inner bluegrass crops up on “Travelling Clothes” and he can blues it as well as Rev Gary Davis as on “T.E. Ranch.” A folksy charm glow on ”Only Elliott” while he creates a harp-like strum on the celestial “El Vaquero.” Of course, chops are never in question here, and he flexes them like it’s Saturday at Muscle Beach on “The Bug” before taking you to the Delta on “Blood Brother.”
He writes most of the material here, and it’s impressive as it intertwines melody and solo like a Raphael tapestry. His listing of the guitar for each song merely makes the Xth commandment of “Thalt Shall Not Covet” come to life, as you’ll want each one, along with the accompanying talent from On High.
CGP Sounds