Leave it to Europeans to capture the sound of America. Trumpeter Mathias Eick brings together Gjermund Larsen/vio, Jon Balke/p, Mats Eilertsen/b and Heige Norbakken/perc for a collection of originals that takes you through The Badlands and Custer National Park all the way down through Kansas with a toe touching the Cumberland Gap. The mix of jazz sensibilities and solos with a sense of traditional American music’s lyricism is masterfully accomplished here, as Eick and Larsen meld together to create some wondrous harmonies as on “At Sea.” The gently cantering rhythm team evoke thoughts of rural pastures on the folksy “Dakota” and “Midwest” while Larsen’s violin sways and Eick’s horn sighs and gasps on “Hem” and together create a warm orange sunset on “Fargo.” Balke’s tender piano sparkles like a starry night in Big Sky on “March” while the whole team flickers like flakes on the lilting “November.” Music to cherish!
ECM Records