IF IT’S GOOD ENOUGH FOR COLTRANE…The Sound of Music Soundtrack: 50th Anniversary Edition

If you aren’t familiar with all of the songs from this iconic movie, SHAME ON YOU! It’s one of the true guilty pleasures of existence. This latest edition of the Rogers and Hammerstein classic is filled with extra ditties previously unreleased, such as extra music to the “Prelude” and “Sixteen Going On Seventeen” as well as a couple extra waltzes thrown in for good measure. The unbridled earnestness of Julie Andrews still makes you want to sing with her on the title track and what can you say about “My Favorite Things”? I still get choked up when I hear “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” and if “Edelweiss” doesn’t move you, you need to see your cardiologist. Music that makes you feel optimistic and, dare I say, “confident” about the future.

Legacy Recordings


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