GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Duchess: Duchess

Three of the swingin-est gals get together for an album that may be reminiscent of The Boswell Sisters, but takes no part in mere nostalgia. Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner and Melissa Stylianou team up to form a formidable female front line along with the snappy team of Michael Cabe/p, Paul Sikivie/b, Matt Wilson/dr, Jesse Lewis/g and Jeff Lederer/sax for an inspiring celebration of harmony and rhythm.

Most of the time, the songs consist of vibrant harmonies mixed between the ladies taking turns at lyrics to songs that veer between the fun and playful like “Lollipop” or seriously swinging like the shuffling “A Little Jive Is Good For You.” The glow and glisten on slower material such as the soft shoe’d “Que Sera, Sea’ and the fun but subtle “Blah, Blah, Blah.” Each lady gets a chance in the spotlight as well, with Gardner going a bit Broadway on “My Brooklyn Love Son,” Cervini sounding coy on “A Doodlin’ Song” and Stylianou” delivering a slinky shouldered take of “Hummin’ t Myself.” More hip than Kim Kardashian in tights, this ladies make singing so fun you want to join in.

Anzic Records

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