Kasse’ Mady Diabate: Kirike

Vocalist Kasse’ Mady Diabate’ brings his rich and deep voice as he sings traditional Malian musica her with Makan Tounkara/ngoni, Lansine Koutare/balafon, Ballake Sissoko/koro and Vincent Segal/cello. The kora and ngoni are West African string instruments, and the balafon is like a marimba; the musicians are all together on the ebullient “Sori” while Diabete goes it alone with Sissoko on the haunting “Hera” and with Koutate during the spacious and glowing “Sadjo.” Most of the songs have a soft lilt, and when Diabate enters in with his voice, you can hear the taproot of both American field hollers and modern blues on “Ko Kuma Magni” and “Toumarou.” Diabate’s delivery is heartfelt yet understated, letting the texture of his voice do the expressing as he contrasts with the tensile support. Music that glows like a full moon over the Sahel desert.

Six Degrees Records





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