Javier Rojo: Musica Para Amansar Fieras

Tenor saxist Javier Rojo brings fresh ideas to the post bop genre on this album of originals with Alvoro Ocon/tp, Eliott Knuets/g, Noe Secula/p, Joan Codina/b Genius Wesley/dr and guest Fernando Brox/fl. Rojo’s tone and delivery and strong and breathy, floaty with Secula on the pretty “Late April” and impressionistic during the title track. The band sounds very Jazz Messengerish on the clean driving “Black, White and Colours” featuring Knuets and Ocon, and the team digs in on the bouncy “Coefusion Monstruosa”. Wesley rumbles with drums and cymbals on the minor mooded “Platanos, Aguacates y Naranjas” and goes chicka boom with Codina as Ocon and Rojo sigh on “Riba”. Vintage styles.


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