Drummer Zach Adelman cracks a whip of boppers with Sara Hanahan/as, Steve Wilson/fl-as, Austin Ford/tp, Steve Davis/tb, Luther Allison/p and Jared Beckstead-Craan/b mixing and matching originals and standards. Of the latter, Wilson’s alto goes mano a mano with Adelman on a crisp duo of “Evidence” that makes you hope for a whole album of drum duos in the future, while a bouncy “Night And Day” as Hanahan in a rich Art Pepper form. Allison struts out on “Lookin’ Up” and graceful on “Song For Wedgewood” with Ford burning up on “We Make”. Becstead-Craan gets the spotlight on “ Ballad For The Night” and the brass is soulful on the Latinized “All Around Us”. Crisp sticks.