Yosef Gutman & Peter Broderick: River Of Eden

Graceful and fragrant melodies that evoke thoughts ranging from Blue Ridge Mountains to Jerusalem are rendered here on this album led by bassist Yosef Gutman, co-leading this lyrical album with violinist Peter Broderick and teamed with Yonathan Avishai/p, Ray Sher/g and Yoed Nir/cel. The songs here have a “folk” flavor, in that each song is intimate and story telling. Some of the material brings ideas of rural roads of the Cumberland Gap, with Sher’s strums supporting the harp-like melody of “Cinnamon Swirl” or the pizzicato’d picks on the Shenandoah Valley’d “Grattitude”. Delicate understatements from Gutman create pastoral scenes for Broderick’s bowing on “The Open Door” while the patiently paced “Reflections” have the string section glow like an autumnal sunset. A couple slightly more klezmer-oriented pieces such as the lilting “Nigun Ana Avda” and “Nigun eshet Chayil” featuring Avishai’s ivories have a bit more Eastern European/shtetl feel, with “The Old City” taking the listener to another place and time. Sepia panoramas of sound.


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