Month: January 2025

Colin Vallon: Samares

Soft pastels of sound are created by pianist Colin Vallon’s trio with bassist Patrice Mouret and drummer Julian Sartorius on this album of nine originals. The mood is delicate and gentle t hroughout, with Sartorious’ burshes hovering on the delicate…

Red 123: New Town

Guitarist Steve Bryant, better known as “Red 123” is a six string voice that begs to be heard for those inspired by the sounds of Pat Metheny. He’s got that same sense of traditional melodicism teamed with a modern and…

The Choir Boys: Surveilled

As demonstrated on this recording/video, free form jazz is best experienced in concert setting. Even if your idea of stretching the musical boundaries consists of Wynton Marsalis, Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask have something to garnish your attention. For this…

Soul Piece: A Plane To Catch

If you want to know what happened to Booker T and The MGs, check out this album by Rolf Thofte/tp, Andreas Toftemark/ts, Mads Norgaard/g, Simon Eskildsen/key, Anton Langebaek/b and David Besiakov/dr. The sextet sounds like they were weaned on STAX…