Righteous Rooster: Fowl Play

Classic organ trio sounds from Henry Dickhoof’s Hammond, Kenny Re ichert’s guitar and Luke Sadadin’s drum make for a swinging album that harkens to the days of Grant Green and Larry  Young. Dickhoff’s able to create a hip boogaloo bass line when needed to lay the groundwork for Reichert’s #2 pencil lines on the blue “Groovin’ On Claremont” and the easy midnight bopper of “Late Night Reprise”. Sagadin rocks it hard after Reichert’s clean strings on “James Beam” while his brushes add to Dickhoff’s misty Leslies on “Aravind”. The trio shows it can pivot like a point guard as on “The Fridge” and can waltz like Matilda on the sleek “The End Of The World”. This rooster has a lot of pluck.


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